A review by narniaxisxhome
The Mystery of Hollow Places by Rebecca Podos


Full review to come but... I just glanced at the blurb on the back again and "Sharp plotting, unexpected twists..."?!?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? There was literally NO twist and the plot was SO UNORIGINAL!! The writing was good but I'll be damned if I haven't read a million YA and JF books EXACTLY like this plot wise... Literally, I guess you could say there were "twists" but they were so small and insignificant and... Lame. I could not WAIT for this book to be over just because the whole plot was ENTIRELY OBVIOUS and certainly not my definition of "twisty"... Drama and finding out secrets or information are not what I consider good plot twists. Would've rated it less if the writing style wasn't good... Also, as someone who has been diagnosed with depression, a Psychology major, and someone who knows and has seen mental illness first-hand, I just didn't like the way depression and mental illness was represented... I feel like most of that was based on research, because, again, as a Psychology major but also someone who has seen mental illness up close I can tell the difference between someone who has just researched and read about it and someone who actually knows, you know?