A review by grid
The World of Edena by Mœbius


It’s hard to recommend this for the story, but fortunately the art is so good that it doesn’t matter. It’s funny, because while the story seems to wander and not know what’s happening, the art never suffers from that problem. Each page has a clear depiction of something that flows logically from the page before. There are jumps to new milieus sometimes, and (at least toward the end) these are attributed (inexpertly, IMO) to dreams. There are some fantastic elements, but this is most accurately read as science fiction, even with the dream stuff. (Lots of drawings of heads with wires coming out of them.)

One of the few graphic novels that lives up to the novel part of the name (at least in scope), this felt long, and at least for the first half or so, kept up a steady pace of interesting new developments.

Highly recommended if you are at all a fan of science fiction comics.