A review by aconitecafe
Ascension: A Tale of the Dwemhar (Stormborn Saga Book 14) by J.T. Williams


After reading this book, I am sooo glad JT Williams decided to break up 13 and 14. Going back and forth between all of the events in these books would have KILLED me!

If you stopped reading this series because of events in book 9, let me tell you, you're going to want to pick it back up because it's all going to make sense once you get to book 14.

Series enders are always heartbreaking for me and this one is no different. We've been with this crew through so much chaos, and a ton of bonding. But it was the perfect ending for an epic tale. It's hard to review this book as far as the plot goes because everything I want to say is spoilery, so just know, it's wrapped up so well. All characters get their arc, while there is death and sadness, if you've been paying attention you probably saw it coming.

My favorite part of the Dwemhar world is how expansive it is. No matter your fancy when it comes to fantasy, it's in this series. Time travel, every fantasy race known to us, creatures of all types, Gods, and of course, various magical systems. Plus epic battles in every book, and storylines that span various series. No matter which series you start with there will be hidden references to other books within it. It's a birds eye view of an entire world, not just one single characters view of it.

If you're looking for an expansive epic fantasy world to get lost in, this is it.