A review by marhill31
Galveston by Sean Stewart



I reached page 300 and ran out of steam. Sean Stewart is a talented writer and is good with writing characters. I really liked the Sloane character in relation to her family and the city of Galveston. However, I thought this novel was flabby and could have been tighter. I was more interested in the city of Galveston in relation to the flood and Mardi Gras and how the citizens reacted to those events than the post apocalytpic vibe that was a good part of the novel. However, I'm going to give Stewart another try with his novel, [b:Perfect Circle|23249|Perfect Circle|Sean Stewart|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1354903785l/23249._SY75_.jpg|24233].