A review by mom2three
A Court of Earth and Aether by Meg Xuemei X


YES!! This ending was everything I expect from Meg. It was an insane, crazy ride and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I devoured the words and then would curse myself for reading it so quickly. I didn't want it to end. Cass as a dragon was even better than I expected. She is fierce, stubborn, independent, and funny. I can't forget the moments of humor because it's one of my favorite things about Meg's writing. Her characters are witty, and I love it. I was also happy to see that she got to eat plenty of cake, lol. I can't even look at cake without thinking of Cass anymore. It's a charming part of her and about the only thing that can stop her in her tracks when she is on a rampage. I was happy to see that even after Cass became a dragon she maintained that blend of rebellious teen/siren/bad-a** chick that I have loved so much. I love the way her men are always behind her, no matter what, and make everyone else back off, too. Without giving away any spoilers, I'm not really sure what else to say. There are tons of surprises, tons of action and fighting, tons of humorous interactions and sexy scenes, too. It's a very enjoyable read, and I can't wait to see what Meg's imagination will come up with next.