A review by red_sky
The Savior's Sister by Jenna Moreci


I had so much hope for this book. I was so excited leading up the release, but I could not be more disappointed.

Nowhere did it say that this was a retelling of TSC. I specifically avoided reviews because I didn't want to see spoilers, but I think that should have been more clear. It is misleading to label it book 2 establishing expectations of a sequel.


I rated THC 5 starts when I read it and it became one of my favorite books despite some flaws. This book however has actually ruined the first books for me as well.

The savior was so selfish, shallow, and one dimensional. Her whole motivation for not telling Tobias that she is the savior is because he says 'he hates the savior' when he is clearly referring to Cosima. Because of that she let's him go to his death in the arena without a blessing because she is throwing a tantrum.
At least in TSC it was ambiguous enough that I assumed Leila had some good reason for everything she did that would be explained later. Well, this book explained her every thought and her reasons were just as shallow and selfish as they appeared with nothing below the surface. She is mean and hurtful to all her friends which she thinks of as servants but yet the still loved her unconditionally, cause reasons I guess.

The sovereign was one of the worst villains I have ever read. In the first book I though he was a good B plot villain. Scary and in the background but he wasn't the main threat to Tobias (the tournament was.) The sovereign is a mustache twirling villain with no thought behind his actions. His entire motivation are just to hurt Leila because he is eeevil. He openly hates and undermines her but yet the people of the palace are shocked that he isn't this loving father. He goes out of his way to kill the artist even though there is no reason reason to other than to make Leila suffer. This is not the plans of a smart leader who (in my opinion) would be happy Leila is distracted making it easier to carry out his plans. How does killing the artist help him? And Im talking about earlier in the story when he wasn't a threat of actually winning, but simply someone leila liked. He only wanted to kill him for pleasure and to make leila suffer because eeevil. He had no depth and his plans were stupid and ill conceived (and no, that's not me saying I want a 3rd book from his point of view.)

Rereading the exact conversations from the first book was tedious and didn't add anything to the world.
The magic was inconsistent at best, and used mainly as a plot device.
The characters were inconsistent, especially leila, who claims to love Tobias but would then forget that there were even challenges happening until he came back to the palace covered in blood and disturbed.

There is more I could say about this book but over all it took things from the first book and over explained them into stupidity, retroactively distroying the actions and character motivation from the first book.

It would take a lot to get me to pick up book 3 considering every review on here seems to be paid for anyway. Very disappointed in a story and author I previously had a lot or respect for.