A review by relright
Over My Dead Body by Sweeney Boo


Dark academia graphic novel set at a coed boarding school for witches. If I could rate this one on the full color graphics inside alone I would give it 5 stars but unfortunately for overall story it fell flat for me. In it a foundling orphan witch Abby investigates the disappearance of her fellow orphan mentee who disappears into the woods in a manner that mirrors another orphan students’ disappearance decades before. Abby takes it on herself to investigate with her friends when the administration seems unconcerned. But then the story seems to almost be written to hit every cliche of this type of story so you can guess what happened to both Abby’s mentee but also the cold case. There also doesn’t seem to be at any point a true rationale for the focus on all the big players in the story to be orphans?? I also got stuck on the fact that Abby also appears to be rivals for no reason with her roommate but become friends again within the story but you’re never really sure why they weren’t getting along to begin with? I also found it odd for this to be billed as a queer story when it is really just a side character telling Abby she has a crush on Abby’s friend and then those two get together off page and then are just seen studying together later? Like sure let’s get some representation in books but I am not sure if that should get a book listed on queer horror/academia/etc lists. Again this book is a feast for the eyes and I would buy from this illustrator again but I will hope we get a bit more substance and story to back up the art.