A review by maria_reads76
Scarlet in Blue by Jennifer Murphy


This book almost made it to a “loved it” but every time I thought it would, it went off the rails a bit instead.  It ended up being just a bit too heavy, a touch too dark, and a notch too far beyond belief to rise above a “liked it”.  I felt so sorry for Blue, and I wanted someone (ANYONE) to step in and help her…to see that her mom needed help and things weren’t healthy at home.  But as Scarlet spiraled out of control everyone around them just looked the other way.  I wanted so badly to believe in Scarlet, but (even looking back with 20/20 hindsight) there wasn’t enough there to make it all make sense.  I don’t want to give anything away (because I hate spoilers) so I’ll just leave it at this - the pieces just never quite fit right.  It was enjoyable enough, but not believable and that’s sad because it could have been BRILLIANT if Murphy could have bridged that believability gap.