A review by mbenzz
The Mercy of Thin Air by Ronlyn Domingue


This was a really interesting and enchanting novel. At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but the further I read, the more I was drawn in. The author has an amazing talent with words, and her characters stay with you long after you've put the book down.

Raziela Nolan is a ghost. She died in a freak swimming accident in 1929 in New Orleans and has been 'between worlds' for the past 70-some-odd years. She left behind a caring family and a man who loved her with every fiber of his being. Andrew and Razi shared a love that most people only dream about...and when she died, it shattered his entire world. He was never the same, but one of the rules of being 'between' is that you cannot visit loved ones, it's just too painful for them. So Razi never knew what happened to her beloved as he continued on in the breathing world.

In present-day she latches on to a young married couple, Scott and Amy. When she joins them they're happy, but a tragic event in Amy's past resurfaces and threatens to tear the couple apart. Razi knows she shouldn't interfere, but she can't bear to watch this couple throw away what they have over things that cannot be changed. All the while her need to know what happened to Andrew grows more and more powerful.

While I really enjoyed this book and kept in mind that it was fiction, I had a hard time believing that Razi, a ghost, was able to write letters to people inquiring about Andrews past, and what became of him. About her ability to interfere with Amy and Scott's day-to-day life. But looking beyond the few things I had trouble believing, this is a beautiful story about love, loss, and overcoming heartbreak. I absolutely recommend this book, and definitely look forward to Ms. Domingue's future books. She's an amazing storyteller.