A review by heymanda
Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories by Sandra Cisneros


I love the poetry in her prose. How can you resist this: "Human beings pass me on the street, and I want to reach out and strum them as if they were guitars. Sometimes all humanity strikes me as lovely. I just want to reach out and stroke someone, and say There, there, it's all right, honey. There, there, there."

My favorites were "Eleven," "Never Marry a Mexican," and "Bien Pretty," but like most short story collections, there were definitely highs and lows. But for me, none of the lows dipped too far. Also, Cisneros' stories are character-driven, which I prefer. If you tend towards more plot-driven stories, these may not be for you. Still, I'd recommend this collection to anyone interested in strong, intelligent female characters who are still human enough to be foolish and fall in love.