A review by booksplantsandtea
De eenzaamheid van de priemgetallen by Paolo Giordano


This book's a beautiful story about true love between two wonderful people...

This must've been the author while writing his "book":

This book is pure madness. It has no plot. And its main characters are psychopaths. I mean the girl, Alice, refuses to eat even though it makes her sick and she's an egocentric bitch. The boy, Mattia, is compelled by anything with a sharp edge because then he can hurt himself and taste his blood.... Because that calms him...
That's what normal people do when they need to calm down, right?

My reactions whilst reading this book:

About Alice:

About Mattia:

I mean who lets a retarded child alone in a park?! That's sick.

Oh, you wanna know my feelings when I finished it?

Here they are:

So yeah, thanks to my Dutch teacher for making us read this awesome book. I'll always hate you for that!

Just found this gif and I immediately had to think of Mattia.

Ian's looking at that knife like a real psychopath. Like I said: perfect for Mattia.