A review by cosmicvulture
The Death of Sweet Mister by Daniel Woodrell


Just finished last night, so my feelings might evolve, but right now I give it 3/5 stars for being well written and hard to put down (especially because it's so brief). A lot of the fewer-star reviews for this book seem to be motivated by how depressing the book is, but that element didn't really bother me, and I guess I never was struck by the sadness while reading.

Woodrell is clearly a skilled writer, but the story just didn't do it for me, and the writing didn't capture me enough to make up for what the story didn't give me. Nothing that happened seemed surprising, and none of it was really that compelling, perhaps because I never felt invested in any of the characters.

Part of me wants to read another Woodrell book (this is my first) because I can feel how he might be great, but I know I won't unless I find a free copy somewhere.

So, overall, my initial impression is that I'm not at all mad I spent my time on this, but so far I don't feel it left me with much.