A review by mike_nz
Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney


So, I was really enjoying this And Then There Were None, style whodunnit, secluded location, one of them is a murderer book and then we got to the twist.


SpoilerWhat the actual f***? So the nice old grandma fakes her own death, kills her son, daughter in law, grandchildren and family friend all with the help of her 15 year old great granddaughter? And all this time, Daisy Darker herself is a ghost?? But wait, characters are talking to her so she can't be a ghost, right? Wrong. If you're about to die you can see Daisy. If you're Trixie the great-granddaughter you can see and speak to Daisy because she died once. You can't make this shit up!

This is just lazy, lazy writing and it makes me angry. 2 stars because I was enjoying it up till the twist. Bye