A review by nietzschesghost
Darksoul by Anna Stephens


'Darksoul' is the compelling and eagerly anticipated sequel to 'Godblind', and as this begins exactly where the previous book concluded, I recommend reading it before you start this one, it will leave you rather perplexed otherwise as it doesn't work as a standalone. If you thought 'Godblind' was a fantastic read, then let me tell you - this is even better! This is an action-packed journey that will stay with me a long time.

The brutal, gory and evocative battle scenes continue in this novel, as do the plentiful twisty and turns and the unpredictability of the plot. Stephens is adept at creating amazing characters that you really care about and are invested in, but not all of them will escape the story alive so be preparared as the conclusion is bittersweet. There is so much to love here that I found I couldn't put it down. The author has expertly crafted every aspect of the plot creating a wonderfully immersive reading experience. As with a lot of books in the genre, there are good guys and bad guys facing off against each other, so you not only have characters to cheer for but also ones that you'll love to hate! The narrative seems to flow much better in this book as opposed to the previous one, leading to the reader becoming properly engaged in the story much earlier on. The worldbuilding deserves a special mention as it is simply spectacular, and I was actually really sad to leave it. I look forward to returning to the kingdom of Rilpor in the concluding book, 'Bloodchild', set to be released in August 2019.

Many thanks to HarperVoyager for an ARC. I was not required to post a review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.