A review by kidisitor
Elves with Benefits by Jana Aston


A cutesy holiday romance in the making. She never had happy holidays growing up, so when she discovered the town of Reindeer Falls, she instantly fell in love and moved there. She also took on the role of Holiday Enforcement Officer and she's ready to throw out violations to anyone not upholding the towns strict holiday cheer. Trust me, she takes her job seriously! He is from the town but moved out to go to college and never returned. That is until his uncle passed away and left him his house. So back to town he came to get the house ready to sell. He hates the town and all the Christmas-ness surrounding it. Unfortunately for him, there's a Christmas cop who is hot on his heels. These characters are 'adorable' though they still have a sexiness about them. There are many laughs (granted, many are due her unending love of the holiday and her seriousness of her role.) This is book four of the series, but can be easily read as a stand alone. There is mention of the characters from the previous books, and you'll meet characters that will be featured in the future books. These characters are new to readers, whether you've read the previous books or not. There is some sexual content, though it's nothing very graphic, but you know what's going on. I'd say it's safe for 16 and up. It is a quick read. I'm not sure if it'd be considered a novella, but it's shorter than your typical novels. It's a happy read (though there is a small amount of heartbreak at one point.) If you are the Grinch type of person, you may not be interested in reading this, as it is obviously filled with all things Christmasy. It's written from her POV exclusively.