A review by secre
Earth Unaware by Orson Scott Card


A surprisingly well done novel which doesn’t allow itself to be hindered by the fact that you know the outcome of the first Bugger invasion by dint of having read the initial novels. It manages this by a clever focus on individual characters and narrative lines that thread together in an intricate weave that manages to keep you engaged and interested. The characters truly come to life and you find yourself embroiled in their dramas and tales, all set against the biggest threat to face the human race.

The changing focus point was also an effective narrative device, allowing you to see the same events through multiple eyes and gain empathy with opposing sides. You don’t necessarily agree with one characters motivations, but it is expertly done so that nobody becomes a two dimensional bad guy. That would have been an easy trap to fall into here, so I take my hat off to the authors. It also allows you to see events from different angles, giving you an almost omniscient overview as well as being very character driven.

And throughout this, the interlocking narratives - both individual and over-teaching - are carefully structured and interlinked to create a web that draws together beautifully for the finale. It’s action packed, tension filled and manages to send you on an emotional roller coaster.

Being a huge fan of the initial works in this series, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this anywhere near as much as I did. It’s got a different style and feel to it and yet it is a very definite piece of the Enderverse.