A review by allivenger
Bone Crier's Moon by Kathryn Purdie


I really wanted to like this book. The idea and pretense were so interesting and the magic system also seemed cool. But the story itself was rough and I found myself not really wanting to finish it. Because overall it just didn't hold my interest.

Ailesse is determined to complete her trials and become a Bone Crier, ferriers who protect the living from the ghosts of the dead. And Bastien is determined to kill the very Bone Criers who killed his father. So on the night of her final trial Ailesse summons her true love, only for her true love to be the very boy determined to kill her before she kills him. Interwoven in this story is family secrets, found family, and two gods who's end game is unknown.

The magic system in this is one of the more unique magic systems I have come across. Bone Criers derive magic from the bone of animals they kill. But the rest of the story was filled with petty juvenile jealousy and just bad plot points. Sabine's storyline let us see the internal workings of the Bone Criers while Ailesse was abducted. But the underlying jealousy Ailesse has at the end for Sabine just didn't make sense when both girls couldn't stop trying to get back to the other. The borderline insta-love between Ailesse and Bastien made less and less sense the longer the story went on as well when it was obvious he is in love with Jules.

Overall I am not finishing this series. I read the reviews for the next book and if I have to deal with petty jealousy for another book I will lose my mind. I get that this is a YA book, but you can write YA without making fifteen love triangles and jealousy between girls over a boy.