A review by kate_and_books
In Harmony by Emma Scott


Be still my beating heart what a combination of a book. A beautiful read from an outstanding author who can write emotion that jumps off the page and right into your face giving you no chance but to take notice of the message that the author is trying to convey.

Willow Holloway was just a normal girl like any normal girl until. There are always untils in life but this one is something a woman/girl should never have to experience. Picking up the pieces is the hardest part. Telling someone without feeling ashamed and dirty nearly impossible. Feeling as if you will be judged because you apparently asked for it. Who would voluntarily ask for something like that, who wants to be so vulnerable? No one.

Her saving grace was moving to Harmony, Indiana. Her turning point a man with stormy grey eyes and a play that is one of the most well known in the world. Where she could tell her story without really telling her story.

There were times where I wanted to scream at Willow, I wanted to hug her at the same time, but she was on a journey, a journey she had to take by herself. To find herself again, to bask in the light but to live with the shadows. But thankfully she didn’t keep her silence forever.

Isaac Pearce born of the wrong side of the tracks has experienced so much pain and loss that he is sparse with his words where he be where he can also tell his story is on the stage and he truly is magnificent. With this medium he can leave it all behind a drunk for a father, being beaten on, no money only relying on the kindness of others. Truly only existing.

He is counting the days that he can leave Harmony in his rear-view mirror, but he didn’t factor Willow into turning up. He sees her, sees her sadness, her beauty and her delicateness. But he never dates younger women, but he is about to break his own rule.

Isaac and Willow both have share a deep loss that cannot be put into words although their loss isn’t the same it has changed them in ways that they will both never be the same. They share the desolation, the emptiness, of the light nearly being snuffed out. In a way Isaac is untouchable and that is what appeals to Willow.

All that is gold does not glitter. I know I’d rather have the tarnished armour when it comes to the Hero such a great Hero but blind to what he should have seen at the end.

I felt for them every step of the way and when they couldn’t avoid their feelings for one another they decide to keep it all a secret. It was a tragedy in the making.

In some way or another we all live in a Shakespearian play. Be it a tragedy, a comedy or history repeating itself. I feel as if the author put more than her all into this book. It is poignant, there is beauty in the cruelty of the world. We all deal with things in different ways and that there is no such thing as too late. Who wants to kill hope?

For the most part of the book it was in the YA realm now YA isn’t really my genre. I wasn’t convinced that the author could pull it off, but I was proven wrong. I love it when that happens.

No o/w drama, angst, rape scene explained but not truly experienced more like snippets.


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