A review by evermoreliterary
The Heir of Windacre by Thalia Blake


I received this from BookSprout about a year ago and am finally leaving a voluntary review.

It took me a really, really, long time to finish this book. I don't blame the book for this, but rather my intense book slump I have had over the last year. Please keep in mind for my review there was a large time gap between starting and finishing this book. Note that this is also the only book I've read by this author.

That being said, the main reason I didn't rate this book higher is just that it felt like it took far too long to get to the point. I love some good character building, some backstory, etc, etc. But there was a large chunk of this book that was just... boring... The main character doesn't involve herself in the excitement happening on purpose. She doesn't WANT to be part of any of it. She wants to remain at home, working at the mill yard, and going about her business. Meanwhile all the action and fun is happening elsewhere and we don't get to see any of it until MUCH LATER.

And then when we are finally placed in the action, it is insanely short-lived. We hardly get to experience any of the side characters, competitors, etc. Any villains are briefly touched upon but not enough to really care about them, or be threatened by them.
SpoilerWhat was the point of having two princes? Why could no one recognize the second PRINCE in the competition? Like WHAT???? He is the PRINCE and no one knows this? And he served absolutely no purpose other than he randomly stood up for her and agrees with her when he had no motivation to do so. It made no sense and actually made me mad.
I could hardly tell the difference between the twins.. or why it was important for 10 competitors to be there for her, but not later in the story when an accident happens to another competitor... There were so many inconsistencies.

Essentially, far to much time was spent talking about wood. Smelling wood, what wood is used for, trading wood, and traveling to trade wood, when it should have been spent developing characters, villains included. This story had a LOT of potential, and a great cover (seriously beautiful cover wow) but overall I didn't really enjoy it, and I'm super sad about it.

I still think plenty of others would find enjoyment out of this though, and I would be up for giving this author another shot in the future. Hoping for the best for her future works.