A review by yungokssss
The Perfectionists by Sara Shepard


The prologue ends with:
The problem, though, was that someone had seen. Someone knew what they'd done that night, and so much more.
And someone was going to make them pay.

Sound familiar? To PLL fans, it should... Because this book is literally [b:Pretty Little Liars|162085|Pretty Little Liars (Pretty Little Liars, #1)|Sara Shepard|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1377830522s/162085.jpg|2191061], just with different characters and slightly different situations.

As usual, there is so much drama that it's hard to get invested. I spent most of my time internally rolling my eyes or wishing the book would just get it on. There were too many complications, and as we learned in English, that holds the danger of readers getting tired and exhausted with the story and makes them start skipping pages. That happened with me. I found myself sometimes skimming, trying to find something worthwhile that would hold my attention.

Unlike PLL, which I was invested in until like the 9th book (from which now I just read the new books to be in the loop), I couldn't even invest myself in the first book because I knew what was going to happen. As usual, the five main characters were framed for a murder, they found the person which they were sure had done it, and then it ends with that person dying and the horrible reality continuing... Shepard uses the same exact twists and turns for every book that I know what's coming without even having to use high powers of deduction.

My conclusion is that this is another series that will spread on with the plot ideas of PPL. It didn't hold my attention and I won't be continuing the series.