A review by reading_addict_lemon
The Body Electric by Beth Revis


Right now I don't know what to say, because this novel started slowly and it was like that until the middle and then, like a montagnerusse ride made me dizzy and spin me until I fell on my head. It blew my mind, honestly and I think this is the craziest novel that I've read so far, this year.

I don't want to give spoilers, so I won't talk to much, but... man, I wouldn't have guessed what was going to happen and who was who, and how the story was going to end. And Ella is such a complexe character and I loved her. She's so real and realistic and she knows a lot of stuff; plus she's such a strong heroine and she has a ton of ambition. I liked Jack too, even sometimes it was kinda hard to see and understand him from Ella's perspective.

This book is good if you want a hell of a ride. Is good when you want something really original, well written, with such fabulous characters and an amazing plot. And I don't want to think about the plot twists that made my head explode. Such an amazing read and I'm glad that I read it. Highly recommend you to pick this up, even if you're not a SF fan or a dystopia fan. It doesn't matter.