A review by lindagreen
The Little Woods by McCormick Templeman


I wasn't sure what to expect from this novel because the marketing information was a bit sketchy on what this novel was about. In retrospect, I'm glad about that because I was able to read it without any previous notions. I had a few problems with the book but they were all minor: mystery was easily deciphered early, too many characters thrown at the reader too quickly (even by the end of the novel I needed a cheat sheet to try and keep the people straight), way in which the mystery unfolded, and not true to the boarding school mentality.

The book really could've taken place at any school due to the extent of the individualism expressed (no uniforms, no boarding school rules and regulations, etc) so the setting seemed quite contrived. The move of the main character to the school was a bit unbelievable as well. But these are all minor problems that I swallowed easily because I found the characters and plot so enjoyable.

The setting was wonderfully done and it was easily to place myself amongst the storyline. The teachers were all a bit over the top but not so much that I didn't enjoy reading them. They all just seemed to have a "quirkiness" to them that was unrealistic but fun to read. The ending was abrupt and unsettling but only because I wanted the story to continue. Most readers will see the mystery reveal long before it is given but you'll find yourself propelled forward anyway, wanting to see how the author puts her own spin on it. At times the MC got a bit annoying with her too direct questioning (not up to Nancy Drew by any means) and clues seemed to fall into her lap without effort which demeaned the story a bit and made it feel like the author couldn't find a creative way to get those clues revealed. Overall, this is an engaging novel that will keep most readers attached despite its flaws

ARC Galley Proof