A review by kidisitor
Accidental Man Whore by Katherine Stevens


Have you ever agreed to a job, not really knowing what you will be doing, then realize you're a hooker? No? Well, our lovely Ben here, isn't the brightest bulb that is exactly what happened to him. Poor Miryam needs a stand-in groom, so you can guess who her best friend calls in to help. The two don't get off to the best of starts, but gradually they are able to tolerate one another. Both misjudge the other and jump to conclusions before knowing all the facts. Ben's character, although he is a little aloof at times, is a pretty sweet guy. Miryam is a smart women, a lawyer in fact, but was burned by love and doesn't really see what's right in front of her. While Ben doesn't push her for more, she continues to push him away. There are a lot of laughs along the way. Ben's relationship with his pet is hilarious. :D There are a couple of feisty old geezers who bring some comedy relief as well. PLenty of fun and crazy characters to help entertain you. Despite what you may think with a title like this one, there is not a lot of sexual content. There is some, it's not a clean read, but there is a wee little bit. There is more talk than action. Ben and Miryam's characters aren't too complex or complicated, but some of the events in their lives have caused them to have various hurdles to overcome, and play a part in their story. It reads fairly quickly and smoothly. Overall it's a fun, light and enjoyable book.