A review by moondance120
Knit of the Living Dead by Peggy Ehrhart


This is the sixth book in the Knit and Nibble series set in Arborville, New Jersey. A case of mistaken identity during a Halloween gathering starts the beginning of a series of murders. Pamela and Bettina are always up for the job when a murder happens in their little town.

This is a well written series that involves a kitting group. As a fiber fiend I really enjoy the discussion about knitting and the patterns in the book. This round we get to meet a very odd llama farmer who could be a potential suspect in the murder of a wool blogger.

I love the feel of the small town that is just close enough to New York City to provide an escape. The characters are well written and feel like old friends. The murders were interesting and I did not discover the culprit until Pamela did.

I love Halloween so the setting along with the lovely book cover really caught my attention. The various cats throughout the story are a plus as well.

Pamela's job as an editor for Fiber Craft magazine intrigues me. I would definitely subscribe to it. Bettina is a hoot! I love her sense of style.

This is a good series for fans of knitting and good food.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and Kensington Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are my own.