A review by entirelybonkerz
Lease on Love by Falon Ballard


“you’re a badass bitch” “bitch we love you” “bitch yes” “yikes” “wow that guy is so hot” “ugh I hate my job” “check me out” “easy peezy” “I am so crazy I love getting drunk with my friends and puking my guts out” “I want to stay home with my plants and Netflix”

Too forced. Tried too hard. Too millennial quirky with the most OBNOXIOUS, selfish, shallow and insufferable female main character.

She added the word SHIT every 10 sentences.

“Shit dude! You’re rich!” “Are you shitting me?” “I have to find a new job and shit”

I don’t know how I was able to read so many pages of her inner monologues.

Underdeveloped and unsympathetic characters.

If your FMC needs to say: “If you haven’t noticed, I’m super quirky” out loud, then we have a problem.

Yes, we did notice the quirky-ness being forced down everyone’s throat so no one would have to work hard into giving these characters an actual personality.

Is Netflix sponsoring this book? I didn’t even know you could make watching Netflix a personality trait.

Anyways, obviously, not my cup of tea.