A review by 3no7
A Baker Street Wedding by Michael Robertson


“A Baker Street Wedding” by Michael Robertson is book six in “The Baker Street Letters” series. It is not necessary to have read the previous books to enjoy this one, but readers of the previous books will have a deeper understanding of the quirky characters and a more global understanding of the events. New readers will enjoy the book on a different level and will probably want to pick up the previous books in the series.

“A Baker Street Wedding” begins with a flashback to twenty years previously, and readers find Laura Penobscott at a Halloween party. She had gone as the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. She puts an index finger to her temple, and says, “Oh if I only had a brain!” Everyone gets the joke, because everyone knows Laura Penobscott has a brain.

Thanks to the media’s obsession with “human interest” stories, it is widely known that today, letters written to Sherlock Holmes are delivered and read at The Baker Street Chambers. Laura Penobscott, now the famed London actress Laura Rankin, is marrying Reggie Heath, a barrister whom “The Daily Sun called “the balmy barrister of Baker Street.” On a visit to the office, Laura finds a letter, opens it, reads it, copies it, and replaces it without saying a word.

In an effort to avoid the most unscrupulous team of paparazzi in the world, the Laura and Reggie escape after the wedding in a Cessna 150, with the bride piloting and groom in the passenger seat. Upon arriving at a hide-a-way in Bodfyn, Cornwall, Laura’s childhood hometown, they find that the lead actress in the community theater production of Macbeth has had an untimely and deadly accident. The role is perfect for Laura Penobscott Rankin Heath, but questions surround the suspicious death.

The action is dialogue driven with casual conversations bringing characters to life and giving a cozy friendly feel to the small town. Readers get to know everyone well. The story flows at a casual but steady pace, and the setting reflects the everyday activities of the town’s ordinary citizens as well as the not so ordinary.

I have read the previous books in the series, and I enjoy the interesting spin Robertson puts on the folklore surrounding Sherlock Holmes and his famous Baker Street address. I received a copy of “A Baker Street Wedding” from Michael Robertson, St Martin’s Press, and NetGalley. It is a well-written book without gore or carnage, and yet one that keeps readers hooked until the end.