A review by krisrid
Wicked Deeds by Heather Graham


I think maybe I'm done with Krewe of Hunters. Not because they aren't good books but because it's just become a bit too predictable and similar. I may just have read too many of these books and gotten too used to knowing what's going to happen.

This book had an interesting twist with the Poe connection, and, I don't think it's a spoiler to say that the ghost of Poe himself shows up and worms his way into the proceedings as the Krewe investigates the murders, which try to model on Poe's stories. It was clever and a fun twist in the story.

Like I said, I just feel after so many books in the series it's all very easily anticipated for me. There aren't any twists or surprises that are out of left field. I found this one didn't hang onto my attention the way a really great book does. I think I've just outgrown this series. But it's not so bad considering it took 23 books to get to that point, and Heather Graham writes good books. I definitely recommend this series to new readers. There's lots of good stories here with well written likable characters and interesting mild paranormal twists.