A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
Tomorrow by Damian Dibben


Tomorrow by Damian Dibben

If we lose one another, my champion, wait for me on the steps, just by the door"

The story goes about a 217 year old dog named Tomorrow. Tomorrow is searching for his owner or in his words master named Valentyne who he lost more then one century ago. During his quest he cross multiple European countries during historical times in the world. The Golden Age of Amsterdam, Versailles, through the London frost and more.

I was impressed by the loyality of Tomorrow and the love that he spread around in all the countries that he visited. I found it interesting and unique that the entire story is told from the point of view of Tomorrow the dog. That made this book defently a unique reading experience for me. The part where Tomorrow was located in Amsterdam during the Golden Age was my favourite part of the book. I'm born and raised in Amsterdam so i really liked reading how Damian Dibben described my city during it's historical past.

I would recommend Tomorrow to everyone who love dogs and those who are interested in history.

I'm going to end my review with the main quote that was mentioned during multiple times in the book.

And tomorrow- tomorrow we begin again.