A review by lanikei
Wolverine: Worst Day Ever by Barry Lyga, Todd Nauck


I'm a little annoyed that this book was shrink-wrapped when I bought it since the format isn't very clear. This is NOT a comic book. It's a "blog" written by a new student at Professor X's School that is illustrated by panels from old Xmen comics (I think?). There ARE 3 Power Pack/Wolverine comics (mostly Power Pack with Wolverine cameos) in the back, and they were pretty cute.

Format confusion aside, the book was cute and I think well-done for its audience of middle readers familiar with Diary of a Wimpy Kid style books. Eric is a new student with the questionably "super" power of being unnoticeable. His insiders view of the School and the Xmen is entertaining and his struggles with acceptance are also ideally suited to the audience.

Pretty cute book, but definitely written for younger readers. Fans of the Xmen may enjoy the book, but it seems to mostly be a rehash of other stories just from a different perspective. Still fun, and I also enjoyed the Power Pack comics at the end.

I don't think I will read it again, but I'm holding on to it for my nephew who I think will have fun with it in a couple of years.