A review by blodeuedd
How to Find a Princess: Runaway Royals by Alyssa Cole


The narrator did a good job, I felt her voices were distinct and it was easy listening to. It is someone I would listen to again.

Bez is looking for an heir to the throne of Ibarania, and comes to investigate Makeda.

Ok, so first, wouldn't it be better to investigate her maybe grandfather? Who knows who he might have married and gotten kids with after this. But ok for the story it is Makeda (her gran had a fling with a maybe prince and thinks Makeda should go for it since there is this whole Become our Prince/Princess and get some cash).

Makeda used to be a doormat, no more. So FU Bez. Makeda is going nowhere. She insults Bez, Bez tries to win her over.

Then came to meh part, the journey they take. It was SO long. And nothing happens, and everything happens in the last 5%. I would have wanted more there.

I did like that it takes time for them to fall for each other, as it should. And it gives Makeda time to wok on herself and not be such a pushover. And I liked how Bez was just so warrior!

I enjoyed it (though maybe less ship next time).