A review by zosiablue
Blow Fly by Patricia Cornwell


(3.5) This was straight-up bonkers. We have the third book in a row in the series with the French serial killer werewolf guy. We have a lot of really grimy cringy sex scenes. We have a sudden change from first person to third person! We have everyone drooling over the main character who apparently has no faults. We have a HUGE "oh COME ON" plot twist for the entire series. We have the line "you're as goofy as a shit-eating fly" and other lines that have a Stephen King feel. Not meaning horror - referring to King's kitschy and sometimes embarrassing weird dialogue. Despite all of this, and you wouldn't think so, I enjoyed this! It was weird enough to be compelling and she took some risks with the story and the writing that didn't always land, but I appreciated. Also, like all of her books, she predicts modern technology years ahead of it coming to market (in this case, digitally-controlled home appliances). And now I think the werewolf plot is done