A review by phai___
Itaca per sempre by Luigi Malerba


*4.5☆ actually

I talked enough in my reading updates about how much I truly loved this book. I'm a geek for greek culture and litterature and I studied it for 5 years, so I even know really well the Ilyad and the Odyssey, and Omer's writing style and importance. The character's characterization: how it should be, how it is often mistaken, how I'd love it to be.
So I loved the new pov Malerba had about Ulisse and Penelope: his flaws and fragilities were shown, while her strength and intelligence were highlighten. She's not at all a passive female character , never been, and she knows her husband better than everyone else so it's so plausible that she recognized him way before time and that she was just furious about the way he behaved and about all the cheating that occurred during his 10years travel. She had a little revenge, since she felt insulted by Ulisse's little consideration of her, of her mind and of her ability to keep a secret. He didn't trust her when he came back, even thou she was waiting just for him, without cheating him or anything and she was so pissed! So pissed because she suffered so much and she didn't even have his trust after all the pain. On the other hand, I love and understand how traumatized Ulisse was from the Troyan war and from the long journey he did. He was so weak, he was often brought to tears and this is just out of the ordinary and wonderful if we talk about a grecian hero. Although I admire this aspect about him, Ulisse was for sure an asshole since he cheated on Penelope a lot of time. And I cannot forgive him, in fact I've seen the way he has changed (not for the best) since the Troyan war and he's hardly excusable.
So yes, I LOVED this book and can't wait to buy my own copy~