A review by jessi_readss
Lunaria by Kara Douglas


ARC review


-found family
-slow burn
-friends to lovers
-love triangle
-magical world
-royal setting

I received this ARC back in August but I completely forgot as I had requested too many arcs around that time (I learned my lesson lol). So I finally got to read it now.

Idk if it was because I had just finished IF prior to reading this, but this book dragged for me until near the end. It was especially slow at the beginning with setting the scene and world building. The middle picked up a bit but I still had to push through. And then the end hits you like a baseball to your face, it just all happens so fast lol. I get it though, sometimes the first books in fantasy series can tend to be slow due to the world and story building. So while this book was not a 5 star for me, I still cannot wait for the next book and have high hopes that it will be so much better than the first.

Thank you NerdFam for the ARC. <3