A review by tanyad74
The Dragon Who Loved Me by G.A. Aiken


Onward in my quest to devour the Dragon Kin series. This is book 5 in the series and features Rhona the Fearless from the Cadwaladr clan and Vigholf the Abhorrent from the Northlander's Lightnings.

The Lightnings have also kind of worshipped their females, so fighting this war with the Cadwaladr females has been kind of hard for them. Vigholf has this overwhelming urge to protect "the Babysitter" Rhona. Needless to say, he irritates her to no end. When he accompanies her on an assignment, she is sure he is going to drive her nuts.

Their banter is a lot of fun, and seeing Rhona come out of her shell and become her own person versus always looking after her siblings was nice. The adventure they find themselves in with Annwyl, Izzy and Branwyn was fast paced and adrenaline filled. These females really can kick ass. And this includes the human females taking on dragons. So cool!

The story in The Dragon Who Loved Me was really good. What disappointed me was the change in narrator. I was used to Hollie Jackson's take on all the characters, then we switch off to Morgan Hallett who not only did accents differently for the characters, but she also pronounced character's names differently which threw me totally off guard. I spent the first little while trying to figure out who she was talking about. It was really frustrating for me. I hope I grow used to her narration because I see she does the whole rest of the series.

The characters are so fun. I love the chaos and adventure in each installment. I am so glad I picked up this series!This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict