A review by bfdbookblog
Tight Quarters by Annabeth Albert


I kind of feel like I cheated with this book. I listened to book 5 and discovered vocal performer Greg Boudreaux. And because of that, I decided to listen to this book instead of reading it (and that is a RARE thing for me, trust me). I honestly think that gives me a whole different perspective on the story because Mr. Boudreaux is a game changer. His performance…man, he brings these characters to life. I honestly think he made Spencer more…likeable? I don’t know that I would have liked Spencer nearly as much if I had read the book as I did listening. I hated what Spencer did…what he chose. When Del told him how much he hurt him…man he just broke my heart and you FELT that with the performance.

Spencer…confused me. He took such loving care of Del (Bacon) when he had time off and they spent time together; spoiled him; helped put him back together after missions or hard training sessions. But then to make the decision he did, with such a simple solution available really made me wonder if he just didn’t, or couldn’t, be in a relationship where someone had to come before his career. And God bless Del for making him work for his forgiveness. I hate when characters just forget all the hurt but Del sure didn’t. All in all, I liked them together when they worked out their issues. They’re sexual chemistry is off the charts. Their banter is cute. Thankfully, they figure it out.

There is quite a bit of action in this book. And Curly stands up and shuts down the BS comments we continuously hear which was awesome. I love that in this series each story is so different from the rest…each with a unique plot and characters and can be read as a standalone. We get a hint for a future story which I can’t wait for. This is absolutely another must read in a fantastic series!