A review by capyval
The Liberation of Brigid Dunne by Patricia Scanlan

Did not finish book.
I'm clearly not the type of reader that this book is aiming to. I didn't like it from the beginning, but I kept reading to see if it got better: it didn't. I just finished the first part (88 pages) and there's nothing that I like about it.
My issues with this book are many, but it doesn't deserve the time of writing a long and detailed review, so to summarize: the writing style is cheesy, repetitive and slow, as the author tries to make things sound more interesting than they really are by filling her paragraphs with lots of adjectives and ready-made cliché expressions (which she repeats, indiscriminately.) The characters and situations are all boring, plain and shallow, mainly because the dialogues feel so artificial, tiresome and even forced at times. The romanticized descriptions of Ireland and France (and the people from these countries) made me roll my eyes every time. More reasons? There's a big and obvious typo very early in the book, and the capitalization of some words is very odd, which made me ask myself if this book was even proofread. And, to finish, both the cover and the first page want to forcibly convinced us how good this book is: "NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER" they repeat, as if our heads were empty, and we would care about the selling and the popularity of an author when we are considering reading one of her books or not.

Boy, I didn't like this book, huh? :p