A review by amotisse
The Art of Discarding: How to Get Rid of Clutter and Find Joy by Nagisa Tatsumi


I love the idea of having less stuff and being more organised. I know that some of us are better at it than others. I guess we all do what works for us and as long as it doesn’t impede on how we function on a daily basis, maybe it doesn’t matter how much stuff we have...
I possibly spend more time reading about how to have less stuff than actually physically doing anything about it! I’m not sure artists have been added to the equation. I keep/collect in able to (re)create but inevitably, the project pile increases. Do we need to worry about it so much? I’m not sure.

This book contains the same kind of useful information as similar titles with plenty of scenarios, perhaps a little repetitive. I’m feeling it’s all about develop good habits. Buying and acquiring less to start with. No quick fixes here, an ongoing project.