A review by mackle13
House of Mystery, Volume 5: Under New Management by Lilah Sturges



I loved, loved, loved this entry of the series. After the last volume's sort of lackluster everything, this was a burst of much needed awesomeness.

I should say, though, that I can see why others might be a bit less enthused. Once again, the main story is sort of parsed out in drips and drabs throughout the book. Things and people are coming together in interesting ways, but I also found myself confused at much of what was going on because, frankly, I'd forgotten most of what happened in the last book (since lackluster = boring = forgettable).

But what really makes this installment are the stories within the story - which is, really, what sold me on this series in the first place, as I also loved them in the first volume as well, though I feel they've mostly suffered between then and now.

But, once again, I found myself captivated by those other stories, sometimes funny, sometimes disturbing.

The other thing I loved is something that I think you might have to be a Sandman fan to truly appreciate - crossover!

Cain has been a part of the story from the beginning, but now he's more involved in the day-to-dayness of it. And, with Cain is Abel. And Goldie! And then in comes Lucien, with a pen-sword, and Eve. It was like a reunion from beyond the Gates of Horn and Ivory. (For any authors reading, the Corinthian would be a most interesting cameo for the denizens of the House. *grins*)

Anyway - really enjoyed this entry, even if it did only move the overall arc of the story ahead ever so slightly (though some of the narration was poignant and gripping - which was another thing I liked from the beginning which I felt was a bit lacking of late).

I suppose we'll see what comes in the future. Whenever I get myself psyched up for a series the next installment almost always disappoints - so I'll try not to expect too much.