A review by leahegood
Pretense by Tara Grayce


Yes, it is perilous to follow the whims of your heart without listening to your head. But it can also be just as dangerous to listen entirely to your head without regarding the warnings and wisdom of the heart.

Alas, a cold, my work schedule, and the length of this book finally conspired to knock me off my book-a-day pace with this series. All good things must come to an end. On a brighter note, I'm not at the end of the series yet!

In [b:Pretense|105677619|Pretense (Elven Alliance, #5)|Tara Grayce|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675794026l/105677619._SY75_.jpg|89941898], Edmund and Jalissa struggle to untangle the past and present to figure out who they are and who they are to each other. Can they find truth and happiness beneath the layers of complication?

Meanwhile, life continues to throw challenges at Essie and Farrendel. Their foundation as a couple, and Farrendel's ability to manage his PTSD and anxiety, is growing, but there are plenty of people in the world who would love nothing more than to see them crumble.

If you're interested in this series, I recommend you visit my review of book one and start from there. Information on Romance, Language, Violence, and Religious content can also be found there.