A review by ellianamaselli
A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross


Let me preface this by saying that I have been in a reading slump for six months. Six. Months. And after picking up and putting down many books throughout the last few months, I finally thought I'd try a [a:Rebecca Ross|14926516|Rebecca Ross|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1655904642p2/14926516.jpg] novel. And I am so glad I did.

"If she had been listening to the wind that morning, she might have heard the gossip it bore over the fells.
SpoilerBut she had been preoccupied with the ghost of Torin's first love.

I have now picked up three of [a:Rebecca Ross|14926516|Rebecca Ross|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1655904642p2/14926516.jpg]'s novels. ([b:Dreams Lie Beneath|54557816|Dreams Lie Beneath|Rebecca Ross|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1612846880l/54557816._SY75_.jpg|85125909], [b:The Queen's Rising|35098412|The Queen's Rising (The Queen’s Rising, #1)|Rebecca Ross|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1498236653l/35098412._SY75_.jpg|46990492], and this one). While I ended up DNFing [b:The Queen's Rising|35098412|The Queen's Rising (The Queen’s Rising, #1)|Rebecca Ross|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1498236653l/35098412._SY75_.jpg|46990492], [b:Dreams Lie Beneath|54557816|Dreams Lie Beneath|Rebecca Ross|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1612846880l/54557816._SY75_.jpg|85125909] was a solid, four-star read. I finished this book, however, in five days, and it was an easy five-star. Every complaint I had about her first two books was fixed here. There were so many things about it that I loved.



Atmosphere/setting will make or break a book for me. [b:A River Enchanted|58132544|A River Enchanted (Elements of Cadence, #1)|Rebecca Ross|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1628605286l/58132544._SY75_.jpg|84776272] is easily one of the most romantic books I have read in a long time. Every time I opened this book, it felt like stepping into a lullaby: cozy, comforting, sweet, yet dark when necessary. Those are all things I love in books like this, and it was carried out in every area. Each and every character and landmark added to this feeling. Not to mention, the lore itself gave this book the energy of a Scottish folktale. And I loved it.

If you're confused at all about what I mean, take a journey over to Spotify and listen to the artist Eurielle, specifically her album "Arcadia". It felt a lot like that.


Each and every one of these characters was absolutely lovely. They all had unique voices, ambitions, dreams, and regrets. Though there were some I favored more than others, they all hold a special place in my heart now, and I can't wait to read more about them in [b:A Fire Endless|54326657|A Fire Endless (Elements of Cadence, #2)|Rebecca Ross|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1665235394l/54326657._SY75_.jpg|84776444].

"He had always desired to prove himself worthy... to be wanted, to feel as if he belonged. /Music had once given that to him. A home, a purpose."

I can say without a doubt that Torin and Sidra were my two favorite characters in this book. Not because I relate to either of them at all, but because they felt the most real to me, the most personal. I was rooting for them every step of the way.


HOOO BOY. THEY WERE SO GOOD. I couldn't get enough of these couples. Rarely do I see love portrayed in the quiet, sweet, yet persevering way it is here. I don't even know if that makes sense. But there was something about the way these characters related to each other, that made watching them fall in love even sweeter.

Photo/Artistic credit: Flourishing Fables
((Photo/Artistic credit: Flourishing Fables))

"She had never seen this expression on Adaira's face before, as if all the longings within her had gathered into one place."

First of all, we have a classic "childhood enemies to lovers" romance. I am a sucker for tropes like this one, in which the characters have known each other for most of their lives, but do not fall in love until much later.

Now, Jack and Adaira were not my favorite romance in the book, but I was still rooting for them the whole way through. It was interesting to watch them fall in love, especially with the events of the book playing out the way they did.

My only complaint here is that it felt a little bit like Jack was far more in love with Adaira than she was with Jack... which I'd understand, but every time they had a **moment,** we were in his POV. So we never really got to see her in those situations.

Photo/Artistic credit: Flourishing Fables
((Photo/Artistic credit: Flourishing Fables))

"'I have been with you all this time,' she said, a soft answer that eased his rigid posture, 'The good as well as the bad. Once we were acquaintances sharing a vow. But you have become more to me than mere words spoken on a midsummer night. And I have never been one to love conditionally.'"

Sidra and Torin were not just my favorite characters, but my favorite romance as well. By a mile. I don't read a lot of adult fiction, so I haven't gotten the chance to read a romance like this before, in which the couple is already married. However, the progression of their marriage and the way it intertwined with their character arcs was beautiful. I loved the way Sidra and Torin's relationship so beautifully exemplified unconditional, sacrificial love. It was like a breath of fresh air. 10/10 would recommend.


I don't even know what to say, other than it was great. Like I said above, the whole book felt like a Scottish fairytale. Some of the best world-building elements included:

- The wind spirits love to gossip. So any private conversation has to take place indoors, with the windows shut. Otherwise, you run the risk of the winds carrying the conversation and other people hearing it. However, this also means you can call someone by simply saying their name, and the wind will carry your message to them.
- Secrets can be woven into clothing, in order to create enchanted garments.
- Water, fire, wind, and earth spirits. NEED I SAY MORE.


I know this is a different thing, but the more I learn about Rebecca Ross, the more I appreciate her work. Not only does she take the time to write a message to her readers in the Goodreads reviews, but she also has a page on her website which lists EVERY CONTENT WARNING IN THIS BOOK, as well as the page numbers associated with them. I have never seen an author do something like that before, but as someone who has some very specific content preferences/triggers, I am absolutely in love with it.

In addition and also on her website, she has the link to a Spotify playlist with songs that inspired this book. Now, this one is something I have seen authors do in the past (including [a:Marissa Meyer|4684322|Marissa Meyer|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1558121336p2/4684322.jpg] and [a:Veronica Roth|4039811|Veronica Roth|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1702319133p2/4039811.jpg]), but I'm still here for it.

Things like this tell me that the author cares a lot about her readers. And that just makes reading her books all the more enjoyable, because I know that I'm reading from an author I respect.


This book is phenomenal. The characters, plot, world-building, romances, and atmosphere make it utterly re-readable. I can't wait to continue on with the series, and learn more about this world and the characters that inhabit it.

5/5 STARS.