A review by mel_reviews_in_a_pinch
Before the Fall: Arrival by Ally Carter


Actual rating is 3.5 out of 5 stars.

All Fall Down was actually one of my anticipated reads for January 2015. I was excited to see there was a prequel/bonus scene. Since we all know I love my prequels, I immediately picked up Before the Fall: Arrival to get me in the right mindset to read All Fall Down.

Grace will be an interesting character. In Before the Fall: Arrival she seems like an entitled spoiled brat, but I’m pretty sure it’s just an act to hide the pain of her mother’s murder. Personally, I think I’d just be really depressed or angry at the world. So good for Grace that she seems to be channeling her feelings into something possibly productive (i.e. looking for the guy who murdered her mother) or remarkably destructive. Time will tell on that one, or reading All Fall Down.

As far as plot goes, Before the Fall: Arrival is extremely short. However, it packs one heck of a punch in order to whet your appetite for All Fall Down. I’m looking forward to exploring more of this reality.

Overall, I liked Before the Fall: Arrival and if you’re planning to pick up All Fall Down then I would recommend it. Why not read it? It’s an interesting set-up and it’s free. That’s a no brainer for me.

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