A review by teresajluvs2read
Compromising Her Position by Samanthe Beck


**I received a copy of Compromising Her Position from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

Compromising Her Position by Samanthe Beck is the first of two books in the author's series. Even though I read the second book first, it was easy to read each as a standalone.

Chelsea Wayne is hoping for a promotion to General Manager but her boyfriend Paul gets the job instead. Little does she know that when she asks him to wear a Santa suit at the Christmas party it isn't him that she's kissing. This Santa is much more than that and after some very hot loving, she discovers her mistake about Paul (who dumps her) and Santa is Rafe St. Sebastian, hotel billionaire who is purchasing La Ventanas resort. Chelsea tenders her resignation and runs to Maui, Hawaii but she still yearns for Rafe. This is an awesome book between two adults who agree to a compromise but realizes that its not enough. Their is as side story with Rafe and his father Luc but I loved the love that blooms between Rafe and Chelsea.

Rafe St. Sebastian has made a deal with his father that he can close the deal on three resorts and Luc will step down allowing Rafe to become the CEO. But against warnings from his sister, Arden, that he should tone down his playboy ways, that would impress his dad more anything. Now he realizes that compromises aren't all what they are cracked up to be and that he'd give her needs to figure out how to win Chelsea's heart even if it takes everything he has to convince her he wants forever not a compromise.

Hopefully, Arden will get her own book because if its anything like these two stories, it will be a wonderful one.