A review by judyward
The Confession by Charles Todd


The 14th installment in the Ian Rutledge series and the series is still going strong. Inspector Ian Rutledge is shocked when a man walks into Scotland Yard and confesses to murdering a man five years earlier. However, he won't give any details, but he admits that he is dying of cancer and that he wants to clear his conscience before he dies. After questioning, all he will tell Rutledge is that his name is Wyatt Russell and the crime took place in a small village east of London. Two weeks later, "Wyatt Russell" is found floating in the Thames with a bullet in the back of his head. Then Rutledge finds out that the man lied about his name and probably everything else and he begins the quest to find out what really happened. World War I and the role that each of the characters either played in the war or how they were affected by the war is a large part of the plot. In this book, Rutledge seems to be recovering slightly from the shell shock that he suffered in the war, although he still works hard to keep anyone around him from discovering just how damaged he is from his war experiences. I highly recommend this series for anyone who is interested in World War I and how it affected Great Britain domestically. And the mother and son writing team of "Charles Todd" continued to tell riviting stories that keep the reader eager for more.