A review by franjessca
Dare to Resist by Laura Kaye


Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

The minute that Kady and Colton stop all the sexual tension between them…let’s just say prepare for a cold shower after wards. These two have pent up sexual tension from years ago. What happens after all those years of tension? Yup…you can guess it. =) Their scenes together are going to be HOT!
I loved being introduced to the couple that plays a part in the Wedding Dare series…how the bridesmaids of the couple’s wedding party is going to have their own books. I look forward to reading the rest of the series from each of the other authors. Although, you don’t get introduced to the couple’s friends/family in this book…it only makes it more exciting to find out what the other authors are going to do in their books.
I give this book 4 full moons and highly recommend it to Contemporary romance readers out there.
Oh and let me say….I adore Kady and Colton’s jobs. Yes…another book that has computer jobs involved. I’m a computer geek, so when characters work in the IT field…I’m in HEAVEN! =)