A review by eliasbouchard
Uzumaki by Junji Ito


interesting. 3.7* stars.

im generally pretty unaffected by horror so i do rely a lot on cohesive concept/storyline to enjoy any horror story and uzumaki sort of misses it by a small mark for me. i think i much preferred the initial episodic way of narration. the symptoms of the spiral. that was more of an interesting concept to me than the overarching narrative as a tie up. so huh, the ending kind of underwhelmed me.

but anyway, i liked how the spiral ate away everything. questions, answers, people, their humanity (that was my fave part!) by the end of the manga. and the artwork was absolutely captivating [the body horror was done so well] like god some of the concepts were genuinely unpleasant to read about, i absolutely loved it!*

*the first half of the manga.