A review by thebritishbibliophile
Finnegan by K.O. Newman, K.O. Newman


'K.O. came, saw and slayed with this latest instalment of the Lords of Khaos novel. Her best book to-date!' - The British Bibliophile

The Lords are back! Did you miss them? I know I did!

K.O.Newman brings to us the fourth book in the series, and stepping forward this time is Finnegan Kavanagh with his mate, Holly Von Engel. One is a bear shifter, the other a bunny. Complete opposites of the shifter spectrum who must fight more than the odds to get to their possible happily ever after. So much is against them, both within and out of their control, it's best to hang on tight.

Good thing there's a big, strong, strapping beast of a bear to hang on to!

If this is your first trip to Ironwood, do not fret. It's not a baptism by fire kind of novel. You soon get to know the residents pretty early on, including who is with who and who does what. For those who are returning like myself, it's a welcome return to some familiar and favourite faces we've grown to know and love. Finnegan is such a face that has been floating around here and there, he has remained as much a mystery to us from when we first met him. Until now.

Finnegan's story--minus any spoilers--is twinned with that of his fated mate, Holly. Not a believer in fated mates, destiny or anything that could have a hold on him, Finnegan sought to live out his days without remembering that they had even been. More on that as you read. Cue, Holly. Irresistible, tempting, fate laughs at Finn's attempt to fight his heart and soul's pull towards her. Fate and the Goddess, however, are never wrong. Now Finn must navigate demons inside while battling those around him, or else lose a war on every front.

Holly is more like Finn than Finn might care to admit, for she is fighting wars of her own while fate throws her into Finn's path and bed. Bunged out of her burrow for bedding a bear, she is left with no choice but to make the best out of a bad situation. If that wasn't enough, Holly will soon bear a constant reminder of the bear she bedded. With her is his cub and as her burrow formerly reminded her, bunnies don't breed with bears. The little life within her is about to crank her safety risk up to max. Luckily for her, fate is somewhat kind and throws her within the path of Kafka. Best friend and fellow bear, Kafka is to be her guide, friend and saviour while Finn works on getting head our from his furry behind. (And yes, I'm thrilled to have heard that we'll already be getting Kafka's story. He's a hoot!)

This story takes you from domestic to dangerous and everywhere in-between. A night that was supposed to be a one night stand (contrary to Holly not being the type to partake in them) ends up being more than that. Several times. Several times in several nights. As Finn and Holly navigate around and with each other, LOKI is gearing up for a war thrust onto their very doorstep by a very close enemy. As Holly's threat of danger grows ever stronger, there's every possibility that she won't make it to the next chapter of her and Finn's story. Everything is on the cards, the cards are on the table. There will only be one winner, and the winner will take it all.

With a string of five-star reads under her belt curtesy of myself, I entered into Finnegan's story full of expectation and curiosity as to what he would fetch. Would K.O.'s luck run out and would Finn land her a four star read? Would the power of the LOKI bad boys finally fizzle out? The answer to those, is no...and no. Finnegan has landed a very coveted five star rating. Well-earned and well-deserved.

I would even go so far as to say that out of the LOKI lads, Finnegan is my favourite and it takes a lot to sway me from one book boyfriend to another. But he did it, he swooned me and swayed me over to Team Finn. Sorry, Lesleigh, I'm somebody else's girl now. Firmly and forever with Finnegan. At least, until Kafka comes along. Though I have a feeling I'll be firmly with Finn for a forever and a day.

K.O.Newman should consider herself proud that she's created such a story as she has here with Finnegan, Holly and the crew. Four books in is quite a way in to keep the interest there and at the forefront of the mind, but she's done it. There was no lack of interest on my part, and there was certainly no chance of me putting down this read once it was in my hand. If you're going to recommend a shifter/paranormal romance to anyone this year and as their first read of next year, Finnegan is your man.

Looking forward to the next LOKI book but until then, it's back to Mr. Kavanagh.