A review by bmg20
Sins of the Demon: Demon Novels, Book Four by Diana Rowland


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Final Page Thoughts

*ahem* Excuse the language, but what the HELL kind of ending was that?! No, I’m sorry, that wasn’t an ending… that was more like a chapter ending, except my book must have been missing the subsequent pages. AHHH! What a cliffhanger. And now we have to wait a whole YEAR!? Is it available for pre-order yet?? Someone shoot me now. *Sobs*

Something that’s been ongoing in this series for a while, a bit of an issue with Kara, is resolved but not until the very flipping end of the book which made that ending that much worse but still made you happy that it nonetheless happened. Yes, I’m aware that sentence makes absolutely no sense.

I’ve attempted to collect my thoughts and form them into a worthwhile review without giving too much away. I do believe worthwhile should be replaced with ‘I’m going to ramble and forget to use periods occasionally so don’t mind me’.

The Storyline

The fourth installation in the Kara Gillian has finally arrived. Kara’s back and trouble seems to be finding her at every turn… but then again, what else is new? She’s dealing with her complicated relationship with Rhyzkahl and Ryan, people are dying who she personally knows and who she also has personally grudges with, someone is attempting to summon her to the demon realm, and on top of that her emotions are going straight haywire.

New Characters

I find that the further you delve into a series it’s usually a requirement to add in new characters to keep it fresh and new. Usually these characters end up being written in as useless characters that are easily disposed of. The few characters (mainly one) added into ‘Sins of the Demon’ were so well written and established in the story that I couldn’t remember a time when they weren’t a part of the story.

Eilahn is Kara’s demon bodyguard and roommate, put in place by Rhyzkahl when he realized that someone was attempting to summon her to the demon realm. Eilahn was hilarious and her sense of humor went extremely well with Kara’s normal snarkiness. (Is that not a word? My red squiggle tells me not, but it should be.)

Fuzzykins: Eilahn’s accidental cat. The presence of Fuzzykins led to some bust a gut with tears in eyes laughter. I think the scene that had to be my absolute favorite was the cat’s obvious dislike of Kara (and obvious love of Eilahn) when they were getting him in the car and the cat gives Kara a ’fuck you glare accompanied by a I-want-to-claw-your-face-off-hiss.’

”I do not wish her to grow upset,” Eilahn said, frown puckering her forehead. “I have heard that cats do not care to ride in cars. If I am in the front and she in the back, will she not grow distraught? Perhaps I should hold her in my lap.”
“Um, that’s a pretty darn big carrier to hold on your lap,” I pointed out.
She blinked. “I did not intend to have her in the carrier. Why can I not simply hodl her in my lap so that I can stroke her fur? Will that not calm her?”
I had a vision of a psychotic cat careening around the inside of the car – following by an image of my mangled death in the ensuing wreck.
“No,” I stated. Firmly.

Hahaha… Funny times.

So… I don’t believe I can say much more without giving anything away. This wasn’t a disappointing book at all and I still recommend this series highly… I’ve become a rabid Kara Gillan/Diana Rowland fan and I’m impatient as hell and the next book could not come sooner.