A review by mg_in_md_
The Son of Good Fortune by Lysley Tenorio


I enjoyed this book so much! I don't know what I expected going into it, but this debut novel was a delight from start to finish. The premise sounded like it might be a heavier read, focusing on an undocumented Filipino son (Excel) and his mother (Maxima). However, the story is infused with heart and humor as it explores their relationship and life in the United States.

A former Filipina B-movie action star, Maxima is now making her living scamming men online. She has some great lines and I loved her feistiness; she practically jumps off the page and fills the room in every scene. Maxima revealed to Excel on his 10th birthday that they are "TNT -- tago ng tago, hiding and hiding." From that point on, he realizes that one accidental slip could uproot his life. Never having stepped foot in the Philippines (Maxima came to the U.S. when she was pregnant with him), this seems unfathomable to him. Excel does his best to stay out of the spotlight, but after an unfortunate accident in Hello City, a ramshackle desert town where he and his girlfriend Sab are living, his secret may finally be exposed.

I hesitate to reveal more about the plot because it was so much fun getting to know Maxima and Excel, and getting a glimpse into what it is like to be "TNT." They felt three dimensional from the start and I enjoyed spending time with both of them. The author sprinkled in Tagalog dialog throughout the novel, which I liked even though I don't speak that language. I felt that there was even context to get a sense of what was being communicated in those spots. It added a layer of authenticity to the characters for me.

If you enjoy books about family relationships, this would be a great pick. I also think it would be a great book club choice as it explores many themes and issues, such as being undocumented in America.

This review was based on an advanced digital copy that I received courtesy of Ecco/Harper Collins via NetGalley. Many thanks for the sneak peek of this fantastic novel! I plan to keep this author on my must read list in the future based on this terrific debut novel.