A review by secret_librarian
The Sunny Side by Lily Morton


The beginning of this book was so much fun! I laughed a lot, and I loved how the first 10% of the book was pure chaos. Unfortunately it didn't last, and I ended up struggling quite a bit with the story.

I have to admit I haven't read any of the books that's connected to this, so all the characters were new to me and there were quite a few of them. I felt like I was missing things at times, and sometimes there were just so many names dropped everywhere and it didn't help my confusion.

I loved Dean, he was such a great character and I wanted everything to work out for him. I felt for him and I liked him and Jonas together at first, Jonas became softer with Dean around and I felt like they were good for each other. My heart totally melted when Dean said how he'd always felt safe around him.

With that being said, I didn't really feel any chemistry between them and there was a lot of telling how they were feeling but not that much showing. The characters have been around each other for years, from Dean's side there seemed to have been some pining, but the attraction to Dean was new for Jonas and to be honest their set up didn't make a lot of sense to me. There was no explanation or talk about what changed for Jonas to make him change his opinion about Dean at all.

I also don't like it when things get overly dramatic towards the end and it was sort of what happened here. Dean deserved better and I just had a hard time with the events overall. The story felt a bit long, there was definitely some dragging and certain things got repetitive.

I think you might enjoy this if you're an avid reader of Lily Morton's books and know the characters, but sadly this one didn't work for me.