A review by secretsofabooklover
Four Blondes by Candace Bushnell


Ok, this book is written by the same woman who wrote "Sex and the City". Naturally I assumed it would be a fun, energetic read that I would thoroughly enjoy. Especially since the back cover of the book said things like "Hysterical" and such. I was not impressed by this book at all. Ask anyone, I enjoy almost every book I read, but this one didn't do anything for me. It was four stories told separately about four different women. The language was choppy and hard to follow, the characters were one dimmensional, and it was very difficult to become involved in their conflicts. In most of the books I read I find myself sympathizing with the main character and I start hoping that certain things will happen for them. Not the case with this book. I found that the women were bitter, unhappy, angry, rich snobs. I could not relate and did not want to. Some of the books I read have wealthy protagonists, but I feel like I can still relate to them as women. Again, not the case with this book. There was no plot development, no character development, and no story line that I could find. Overall, very disappointed with the book.
-not recommended